I’m Pregnant! Now What?! – Practical Tips for Navigating Early Pregnancy

Picture of by Dr. Sterling
by Dr. Sterling

Congratulations, mama! Embarking on the journey of pregnancy is a thrilling and joyous time, but it’s also completely normal to feel a whirlwind of emotions. From excitement to anxiety, the range of feelings that accompany a positive pregnancy test is part of the beautiful rollercoaster of motherhood. Today, let’s focus on some of the basics together, offering practical advice and insights to navigate those early stages of pregnancy.

Calculating Your Due Date:

One of the first steps in your pregnancy journey is determining your due date. Say goodbye to manual calculations and hello to modern technology! I recommend using a reputable app or website to calculate your due date accurately. My personal favorite is the Perfect OB Wheel app, which simplifies the process and ensures precision in estimating when your little bundle of joy will be joining you.

Scheduling Your Initial Appointment:

While the excitement may make you eager to rush to your OB’s office immediately, it’s essential to understand that your first appointment is typically scheduled between 8-10 weeks. This timing allows for better assessment of the viability of the pregnancy. However, there are exceptions to this rule. If you feel the need for an earlier appointment due to reasons such as anxiety, pain, bleeding, or pre-existing medical conditions, don’t hesitate to advocate for yourself and request an earlier visit.

Choosing the Right OB Provider:

Selecting the right OB provider is crucial for your prenatal care journey, seeing as you’ll be spending a lot of your time there. Consider factors such as their delivery privileges (aka what hospital they can deliver at), practice style, and the overall atmosphere of their office. It’s essential to feel comfortable and supported by your healthcare provider, so trust your instincts and choose a provider whose personality and philosophy align with your preferences.

Choosing Your Prenatal Vitamin:

Ensuring proper nutrition is vital during pregnancy, and choosing the right prenatal vitamin can help support you and your baby’s health. While there’s no “perfect” prenatal vitamin, I recommend looking for one that includes essential nutrients such as 400mcg of folic acid, choline, DHA, vitamin D3, selenium, and vitamin B12. 

Take a Moment to Relax:

Amidst the excitement and planning, remember to take a deep breath and relax, mama. You’re embarking on an incredible journey, and I’m here to support you every step of the way. If you’re wondering what comes next or seeking further guidance, consider exploring Sterling Parents.

The beginning of pregnancy comes with a lot of questions.

Amidst the excitement and planning, remember to take a deep breath and relax, mama. You’re embarking on an incredible journey, and I’m here to support you every step of the way. If you’re wondering what comes next or seeking further guidance, consider exploring Sterling Parents.

The beginning of pregnancy comes with a lot of questions.

If you’ve had some of these questions, I am here for you. Pregnancy is a time when you should be protected from stress and anxiety as much as possible. It’s good for you and it’s good for baby! This is why I created Sterling Parents, the only membership specifically designed to relieve worry and anxieties in pregnancy providing 24/7 access to answers you can trust plus guidance from an ObGyn and mom-of-3 who has been there. 

If you are someone who really wants to be able to relax, knowing you are doing all the right things, Sterling Parents is for you.

P.S.  All those questions above are answered in this one video from the Pregnancy Course. Members tell me they feel relief immediately after joining because they no longer have to figure it all out on their own.

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